Discovery Channel Instructor and Technical Adviser
International Instructor and Trainer of Survival Instructors Colombia
Instructor of Naked and Afraid Survival Discovery Max (HBO) Warner Bros
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NORTHLATITUDE (C.A.C.E.N), which is the National and International Argentine Center of Education and Training, is a leading international sole proprietorship founded and directed by Gabriel F. Esquivel for 20 years, located in Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina, whose mission is focused to provide comprehensive training with high quality standards and commitment, to be given through theoretical classes in classroom and practices in various wild and hostile natural environments characterized by mountains, jungles, islands, forests, deserts and others, with wide coverage in Argentina and other countries, to be taught in Spanish and English languages.

Our trainings with wide geographical scope in the national and international world, are based on a proven experience based on our trajectory of years of commitment, transparency, seriousness, efficiency, capacity, excellence and trust, added to the logistical support we offer to move to wherever you need to be trained, for example, for individuals, institutions, schools, universities, multinationals, consulting firms, etc., armed forces, security forces or others. Our priority is to provide solutions through the regular courses we teach, as well as to expand the scope of our teachings where for that, we gather data to carry out a preliminary study and situation analysis, in order to provide a specific final design scheme that allows you to find a solution according to your needs and achieve the required objective.

Our team of highly qualified and experienced professionals includes a survival instructor with national and international recognition, internationally recognized for having been an instructor and technical advisor of the international network DISCOVERY CHANNEL, currently, international instructor and trainer of survival instructors of the international school DRAGONES DEL GOLFO of Colombia, military personnel (R) of the Argentine Air Force and mountaineer, as well as instructors and first aid rescuers from the Argentine Red Cross, Search and Rescue (SAR), Jiu Jitsu and Skydiving.

Our courses, trainings and commercial/business management in training regarding to «SURVIVAL for EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS with notions of First Aid, Orientation and Land Navigation» and «ORIENTATION, LAND NAVIGATION and GPS with Cartography» have been taught by Gabriel Esquivel in Buenos Aires, 19 provinces of Argentina including in the Argentine Patagonia as well as in travels he made to the United States,  Mexico, Holland (Netherlands), Colombia via Panama, Ecuador and, lately, in Sweden and Germany via Canada.

The trainings we provide are offered in Argentina, other provinces and countries on various continents in Spanish and English as indicated below:

SURVIVAL for EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS with notions on First Aid, Orientation and Land Navigation (in the I-Initial, II-Intermediate, III-Advanced and IV-Intensive levels).

 ORIENTATION, LAND NAVIGATION and GPS with notions on Cartography (Intensive level).

 MULTIADVENTURE (Skydiving + Survival + Orientation + First Aid).



 About the teaching on First Aid, they are not taught as specific courses if not, as basic notions within the courses of Survival and Multiadventure because the First Aid are part of the essential skills included in the SURVIVAL PENTAGON, image we used for the teaching.

With regard to mountaineering courses, although they are not currently taught, they are carried out by hiring a mountain guide registered in Argentina.

We also inform that those schools, institutions, associations, companies, national and international consulting firms, newspapers, magazines, channels, national and international television networks and others that wish to hire our professional services, must be aware that at the end of each event given by NORTHLATITUDE, we will publish photos and videos of the activities carried out in order to leave testimony of the services we provide. Thanks a lot.

NORTHLATITUDE (C.A.C.E.N) ® National and International Argentine Center of Education and Training, is an international company founded by Gabriel Esquivel, having started its activities in January of the year 2005.

Our MISSION is to offer you an efficient training based on international standards, integrated with programs adapted to each teaching and our purpose is to provide knowledges that includes procedures and techniques focused on the characteristics, structure and requirements of each course, so that when you have finished any of the trainings with that initial knowledge you adquired, you can begin developing your own skills to solve situations that may happen in wild and hostile natural environments to, for example, to apply survival abilities by preparing an emergency plan, choosing a leader with the importance of carrying out a teamwork, learn orientation to know the cardinal points and how to design a journey on a topographic map using compasses and GPS satellite navigators, etc. For this reason, the courses we offer are based on a system composed of theoretical classes to be held first, in classroom and then, trainings that take place in diverse natural environments. These teachings in part includes how to make an analysis, plan, design strategies and how to make key decisions, etc., when you need to develop outdoor activities as sports, competition, exploration, survival or other similar. Therefore, when you finish any course, the more time you practice on the techniques learned, the more experience you will acquire to strengthen your own skills.

Our main OBJECTIVE is to provide knowledge based on our operational experiences because we have the ideal human resource comprised by professionals who are verifiably trained, certified, registered, experienced and recognized at the national and international level, trained and specialized to teach you in “Survival for Extreme Environments, Orientation, Land Navigation and GPS with Cartography”, “Search and Rescue (SAR)”, “Mountaineering and Trekking”,  “Jiu Jitsu” and the “Multiadventure” that includes the Skydiving + Survival + First Aid + Orientation skills. Regarding to the First Aid, the classes are taught as technical notions included and based in the SURVIVAL PENTAGON that we teach in the Survival courses precisely, not as a specific course.

Likewise, we offer the opportunity to train you in various places of Argentina and abroad, including other continents, as well as we offer classes to foreigners in our country to be taught in Spanish or English, being that Argentina has an extensive and wide diversity and variety of terrains and climates composed of mountains, forests, jungles, glaciers, deserts, seas, rivers and others, many of which are known by our instructors and in particular by Gabriel Esquivel.  who has not only traveled to several and numerous natural places in Argentina and particularly in the Argentine Patagonia but also, he owns a solid experience of having taught courses in jungles, forests and mountains of Buenos Aires, other provinces of Argentina and also in Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador and Chile, who also traveled to the United States to attend a wilderness survival course taught entirely in English language by a former United States Air Force survival instructor (S.E.R.E). In addition, he recently traveled to Holland (Netherlands) in Europe, to carry out a commercial and business mission where he also carried out together with an international bushcraft instructor from that country, some practices of survival skills and orientation.

For this reason, we have suitable professional experience and, also, we offer the necessary logistical service support to travel to any place by prior agreement, to train you. Likewise, with respect to the regular trainings that we teach, we offer to design them according to your needs and requirements so that you can meet your own objectives.

Our trainings include essential values of friendship, mutual understanding, achievement of objectives, leadership and teamwork, being one of our purposes the respect and care for the environment. We are pioneers in Argentina and South America in the teaching of these courses in Spanish and English languages, which, through an innovative system of courses designed in both languages, has allowed us to train local and foreign students from South America, Central America, North America, Africa and Europe as well. We are entirely open to train you because there are not difference about profession, race, age, gender, religion or beliefs, etc.

About us and our activities

NORTHLATITUDE is comprised of a group of instructors duly selected, specialized and officially certified in national and international institutions and since January of the year 2005, we have offered the best service of excellence and quality through our staff comprised of civilians and military personnel of the Argentine Air Force, currently retired. About Gabriel Esquivel, is the director, general coordinator and instructor of courses of NORTHLATITUDE, who eventually take part in some mountaineering and trekking trips and since 1984 is a military Petty Officer of the Argentine Air Force, who after having being over 21 years on active duty, specialized in Systems, Computer Science, English Language and in a General Survival course carried out in the III Air Brigade of Reconquista in the province of Santa Fe, it was through NORTHLATITUDE which allowed him to obtain international recognition when mainly, the well-known international network DISCOVERY CHANNEL selected him in four (4) opportunities to be a survival instructor and technical advisor for Discovery in Argentina, for the television programs DESAFIO DISCOVERY Mexico (2015), DISCOVERY WHAT ON EARTH England (2017), technical advisor for the production of DISCOVERY Naturaleza Extrema of channel 11 TELEFE Argentina (2018) and for the production of DISCOVERY Hacia lo Salvaje (2018) on Channel 11 TELEFE Argentina and also, as survival advisor to actor Federico Amador. In fact, he was chosen by Discovery from Mexico, England and Argentina respectively.   

He also participated in some television programs of Channel 13, Channel 11 TELEFE, Channel 7 Public Television, Channel 2 America, Canal de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (C.A.B.A), in the newspapers La Nacion, Infobae and in other well-known media. In the year 2017 he was a survival instructor of the international Survival course BLACK BEAR «I» JUNGLE organized in Ecuador by a company from that country and is the first citizen of Argentina to be recognized as an Honorary Survival Instructor by S.I.W.A., which is the World Association of Survival Instructors based in Lakeland,  Florida, the United States and Spain, which, although he no longer belongs to that Association and does not teach its courses by his own decision, he maintains this public recognition. In the year 2018 he traveled for second time to the United States, to Atlanta and Florida. to attend an international survival course taught in English by Byron Kerns, a former S.E.R.E. (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) Survival instructor of the United States Air Force.

In March of 2019 he was chosen in South America and Argentina by the international school DRAGONES DEL GOLFO of Colombia, to teach the international course DESAFIO SUPERVIVENCIA COLOMBIA held in the Tatacoa Desert of that country, having been trained later in the same year in that school as » Level I Basic Survival Instructor and Search and Trace» -instructor registration EIDG005AE- who studied with an academic intensity of 159 theoretical-practical hours in classroom and in a jungle terrain of Colombia. In the summer of 2020, he traveled back to Colombia, having studied with an academic intensity of 200 hours. theoretical-practical in classroom and jungle terrain of that country, to be certified as an International Instructor of Survival Instructors and, at the beginning of the year 2023, his title was revalidated as «International Instructor and Trainer of Survival Instructors» -instructor registration EIDG009AE- (2020/2023) of the international school DRAGONES DEL GOLFO of Colombia.

He was also professor at the E.A.A.M. (Argentine School of Mountain Activities) located in C.A.B.A (Autonomous City of Buenos Aires) of a subject related to the survival in nature, as well as he played the role of survival instructor in the Austrian international film PARABELLUM, that was presented in 40 international film festivals, including in the Mar del Plata International Film Festival. Recently, on his second trip to the United States to Atlanta and Florida, at the end of a 3-days survival course he took in Florida which he did it with a sprained ankle, the next and fourth day he traveled to the N.A.S.A. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) at the Kennedy Space Center, where he had lunch with the astronaut engineer, physicist and pilot Edward «Ed» Gibson, former crew member of the American space mission SKYLAB 4, where he also asked him questions related to issues about which survival and orientation skills the astronauts must carry out under an emergency that may happen in a space mission, as well as personally met the ATLANTIS space shuttle. In 2021 he taught the international course SURVIVAL CHALLENGE PERU and, lately in the same year, he was chosen in South America and Argentina by a company of Mexico to teach a segment of survival and orientation techniques that included the joint design of a Spartan race, for the international event CONQUISTADOR – Elite Community, held in wild areas of San Miguel de Allende, designed for business men student from Mexico, Venezuela and Colombia.

Lately, in 2023 he traveled to Holland (Netherlands) on the European continent, to carry out a business and commercial mission where, in addition, he carried out basic training on survival, orientation and land navigation through a crossings carried out on dunes and forests located in front of the North Sea. He also visited the Royal Palace of the Kings of the Netherlands in The Hague.

Therefore, all that knowledge acquired over the years in nature, together with the experience of the staff of instructors he leads, will be passed away to you through the teaching.

My introduction

I am Gabriel Esquivel, Founder, Director, General Coordinator and Instructor of NORTHLATITUDE (C.A.C.E.N) National and International Argentine Center of Education and Training, where in January of the year 2005, I taught my first course in Argentina.

In the year 1998 I began to venture into the environment of mountaineering and trekking and in 2003, I started on designing my own project with the purpose of educating individuals on Survival and Orientation skills, in Spanish and English languages and, having taught the first course in 2005, over the years, those teachings that I have been carrying out at the national level, systematically and gradually began to spread in the international level. NORTHLATITUDE is comprised of a group of instructors, including civilians and military personnel of the Argentine Air Force, currently retired and our objective is to provide you with a comprehensive teaching comprised of international quality standards in order you can objectively meet your requirements and expectations and this is possible because we have the ideal human and professional resources to carry it out through the teaching of courses of «SURVIVAL for EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS with notions of First Aid, Orientation and Land Navigation”, «ORIENTATION, LAND NAVIGATION and GPS with Cartography», “SEARCH and RESCUE (SAR)», «MOUNTAINEERING and TREKKING» and the «MULTIADVENTURE», which includes a combination of activities comprised by the Skydiving + Survival + First Aid + Orienteering. About the First Aid classes, they are taught as notions involved within the PENTAGON OF SURVIVAL that we use to teach the Survival courses, not as a specific course. The practices of our trainings take place entirely in wild and hostile terrain of jungle areas, forests, deserts, islands, mountains or others, all the year round.

I was born in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (C.A.B.A) and since 1984 I am military personnel of the Argentine Air Force by primary profession, currently (R) with the rank of Petty Officer and I belong to the XXIV Promotion of the E.S.F.A.E. (Non-commissioned officer (NCO) military school) and after getting my promotion I made multiple studies and training as a computer scientist, English language, personnel leadership and human groups, modern oratory, political influences of the United States and South America, international geopolitics and Argentina, evolution and development of modern military history, diplomatic, official and ceremonial protocol in public relationships, abbreviated national defense, philosophy, drawing, survival, orientation, mountaineering, trekking and crossings, first aid and others. In the Air Force my specialty is Systems, Computing and Statistics, where upon graduation I was assigned to the former VII Air Brigade of helicopters located in the Moron city and later, I was assigned to the Condor Building which is the headquarters of the General Staff of the Argentine Air Force (E.M.G.F.A.A.), Direction of Operational Informatics (an annex of electronic warfare), Direction of Systems (currently General Direction of Research and Development), National Radar Plan, where for two months I was assigned to the Ezeiza Airport as professor of some radar operators of a flight plan control system at the A.C.C (Air Control Center), software that had been acquired from a Canadian company, Direction of Personnel (D.G.P.), Air Region Command (C.R.A.) and lately, to the Direction of Communications (D.I.C.O.M). In addition, I participated in the design of graphics (drawings) of consoles for the national air traffic control and in the years 1996 and 1997, I studied only those years of Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science at a well-known private University of Buenos Aires where at the beginning of 1998, when I no longer received the half scholarship to continue with my studies, I decided to change books for travels. For this reason, in 1998 I gradually began my first steps in the mountaineering and trekking world, having participated in several expeditions that took place in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Neuquen and Cordoba, where, in addition, I visited beautiful places of the Argentine Patagonia, having made various trekking and crossings in beautiful glaciers such as the Perito Moreno, Cerro Torre and Martial and approaches to others such as Huemul, etc. As far as my experience in mountaineering is concerned, I could reach just a few summits, being the highest one the Vallecitos hill at 5,470 m.a.s.l. (Meters Above Sea Level), on January 17 of the year 2003, although I did do many treks. Also, one of the reasons why I decided to join the world of mountaineering was because I had previously thought about being a skydiver like my mother’s cousin Zulma Gladys Esquivel (R.I.D.), I mean, my uncle-cousin Daniel Esquivel (R.I.P), world champion skydiver with other national and international achievements made and, since it wasn’t possible for me to be a skydiver and as I saw the skydiver carry their container (backpack) with their parachutes sails (canopies) on their backs, the way I replaced the skydiving with another outdoor activity was the mountaineering, that is, to carry out a mountain backpack on my back during the mountain expeditions instead of a skydiving backpack. That is why, after having studied for many years, in the year 1998 I was invited to take part in a trip to be made in a mountain area located in the Buenos Aires province and this new experience was a turning point in my life because it was a significant change, a before and a after, a new paradigm that I saw myself on the horizon of my future because precisely, having intensified my presence in nature, that situation allowed me to make the decision in a few years to design a project to start teaching courses where it has become the reality of what NORTHLATITUDE is currently today in Argentina and in the international world.

The continuous dedication and effort that I that I’ve been doing for many years, I consider is a positive factor that naturally allowed me to gain a high level of prestige and recognition in the national and international world, for example, for having been selected during for (4) periods in the years 2015, 2017 and 2018, by the well-known DISCOVERY CHANNEL international network, to be a survival instructor and technical advisor in Argentina for some of its international television programs, having been chosen by Discovery of Mexico, England and Argentina, among other achievements such as acting in the role of survival instructor in international cinema, precisely for the PARABELLUM film, directed by an Austrian film director and presented in 40 international film festivals, including the Mar del Plata International Film Festival of Argentina.

In response to frequent questions that many students of mine asked me about how it was the beginning to teach courses, well, I told them that there were two reasons to start NORTHLATITUDE, being that for this, I took as a reference two good examples, first of all that my mother’s cousin Zulma Gladys Esquivel (R.I.P), my uncle-cousin Daniel Esquivel (R.I.P), who in 1974 was world champion of skydiving with many other national and international achievements obtained, added to his quality as a great person and secondly, my military education in the Argentine Air Force, when I was assigned to the former VII Air Brigade located in the Moron city in Buenos Aires, I met many comrades, true commando specialists, some VGM (Malvinas War Veterans) as well as other as pilots, mechanics, instrumentalists, air system operators (O.S.E.A), etc., certainly very professionals whom I always admired with great respect.

About my family background, I was born in the Central Aeronautical Hospital of the Argentine Air Force in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (C.A.B.A), my growth, education and primary studies were integrally made in three cities of Buenos Aires, in El Palomar, Haedo and Ramos Mejia, where I keep the best memories of those places because there I was educated and made many friendships from the neighborhoods, from the school and apart from my family. I attended the primary school at the Sagrado Corazon de Jesus EMAUS, located in the city of Haedo, considered at the time one of the best schools in Buenos Aires, although I finished the last and seventh grade at the San Carlos Borromeo school, also located in Haedo and in the 90’s, I lived for a few years in Palermo (C.A.B.A), just in front of the Lawn Tennis Club.

I grew up in a family comprised by my father Oscar (R.I.P) who was a military personnel in the Argentine Air Force, born in Diamante city, in the province of Entre Rios, and my mother Zulma Gladys Esquivel (R.I.P), born in the Casilda city, in the province of Santa Fe, educated in the city of Ramos Mejia, who had raised in a high class family of industrialist (my grandfather had been an industrialist, as he stated in my parents’ marriage certificate) and my mother, who gave birth to three sons, me, being the oldest and my younger brothers, Sergio Christian (R.I.P) and Claudio, due to life circumstances, it was our mother who educated us very well because from her we received the best education, based on values of work, sacrifice, effort, humility, study, etc., because since we were very young, she continuously educated us with a great love like her father (my grandfather), her uncles (my great-uncles) and her cousins (my uncles-cousins), had not only received a very good education to be ever united and together if not, they had ever worked tirelessly looking for a way to create, elaborate, improve and optimize resources to improve and offer the best product they sell, who with the sacrifice made for years, they has been leaders in the market and this was what we received as a legacy of example from my mother and that I particularly take as a reference.

This is the message that I still keep and obeys to the family, cultural and hereditary biological guideline that I follow as a son because my mother tirelessly educated us with clear, defined and marked detail, many stories, strategies, secrets, behaviors and other very important industrial topics carried out, something for what I particularly understood and I turned it into information that I systematized for my own purposes. I always keep the memory of the particular affection of education, advice and love received by my maternal grandparents, Pedro Angel Esquivel (R.I.P) and Clara Yannone (R.I.P), both from the city of Casilda in the province of Santa Fe, who eventually moved and lived in the city of Ramos Mejia (in whose church in that city my parents were married), the city of my mother, aunts and grandparents. Also my affections and memories of my great-uncles Chiquita de Benbenga (R.I.P) and Pepe (R.I.P.), who years ago, opportunely helped us.

On another family order, I am a nephew-cousin on my mother’s side cousin, Prince Pedro Giannone Ischitella, a former Argentine priest received in Italy, who opportunely had access to the Vatican, who currently resides in Brussels, Belgium and who with authentic documents from archives of the years 1200 and 1800, it accredit us to be of noble origin for being one of the last descendants of the Giannone de Majoribus family, Noble Patricians of Bitonto, Barons of Loseto, Counts Palatine of Acri, from the ancient and most noble Caracciolo family, descendants of the dynasty of the Cumae. This is part of the context of information about the biological-cultural roots of my ancestors and my current family, being that, although that our government does not officially recognize that an Argentine citizen is noble or recognized as such, they cannot intervene in the private world to which we belong. Pedro speaks 14 languages and has access to the Royal Palace of Laeken, the official residence of the Belgian sovereigns, according to the latest communication he sent me.

Returning to NORTHLATITUDE, over the years it has been growing gradually and exponentially due to certain strategic decisions that I needed to carry out and based on this, through the years we were selected to provide trainings to students of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (C.A.B.A) mostly and from other provinces of Argentina as well as from countries from South America, Central America, North America, Africa and Europe as well, including schools, scout groups, national and international companies, civil, military and security institutions, international consultancies, as well as for the TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conferences of the United States, by the Victorinox Swiss knife company in Argentina, etc. We also were chosen by companies, schools and international institutions from Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru to teach courses in various wild and hostile terrains of those countries, which includes a survival course that I attended as student in the United States where also, I recently traveled to Holland (Netherlands) in Europe, in order to carry out a commercial mission where in addition, together with a survival instructor from that country, we carried out some practices in survival and orientation techniques.                                                                                                                                                                

It is with particular pleasure to post the Resolution belonging to the Academic Secretary of the DRAGONES DEL GOLFO International School of Colombia, where shows the the certification and academic endorsement given to NORTHLATITUDE (C.A.C.E.N) National and International Argentine Center of Education and Training, of which I am its Founder and Director in view that our courses not only have international validity but also have the international endorsement and support of the aforementioned Colombian school of which NORTHLATITUDE is an International Delegation and keeps an strategic business exchange. Likewise, it precedes that through the aforementioned international school DRAGONES DEL GOLFO of Colombia, NORTHLATITUDE had previously been selected by itself in South America and Argentina to teach the SURVIVAL CHALLENGE COLOMBIA international survival course where later, as Director I completed two (2) trainings as instructor in that country, as follows:

International Survival Instructor (Level I – Basic) and Search and Tracing, having completed an academic intensity of 159 theoretical-practical hours in classroom and in a jungle terrain of Colombia -international instructor registration EIDG005AE- (year 2019).

International Instructor of Survival Instructors, having completed an academic intensity of 200 theoretical-practical hours, also carried out in classroom and in jungle terrain of Colombia -international instructor registration EIDG009AE- (summer 2020).

International Instructor and Survival Instructor Trainer (2023).

In March 2019, he had been an instructor of the international course mentioned in the first paragraph, which was organized by the DRAGONES DEL GOLFO school and for which I had been chosen in South America and Argentina by that school as Director of NORTHLATITUDE. , Survival Instructor and Technical Advisor of the DISCOVERY CHANNEL international network in four (4) opportunities in the years 2015, 2017 and 2018 (chosen by Discovery of Mexico, England and Argentina) and as Military (R) of the Argentine Air Force, course that I finally taught in the Tatacoa Desert, Colombia, on March 1, 2 and 3.

Also, at the end of that international event, the next day I was kindly invited to be one of the speakers at the University of CORHUILA in Neiva, to talk about issues related to survival techniques that belongs to the PENTAGON of SURVIVAL. In this way, you can notice the validity and international recognition of the courses we teach at NORTHLATITUDE in regards to Survival for Extreme Environments, Orientation, Land Navigation and GPS with Cartography and the Multiadventure (which includes the joint activities comprised by the Skydiving + Survival + Orienteering and First Aid), for extreme zones like forests, jungles, islands, mountains, deserts, cold areas, etc.

Finally, my special thanks to the academic authorities of the DRAGONES DEL GOLFO international school, to the Director and Rector, Juan Pablo Campo Gomez and to the Academic Director, Cindy Carolina Urueta Tuiran, for having given me their complete confidence in a professional field for which both, DRAGONES DEL GOLFO and NORTHLATITUDE, have  a joint commitment  to continue teaching jointly in the national and international order.

Payments can be made as follows:

Cash (sign in the previous talk and the rest at the beginning of the theoretical/practical class)

Bank transfer by CBU, Mercado Pago, Western Union, Paypal or others.

At the end of fully paying the course, the student will receive a type «C» invoice.

You can consult other forms of payment as we also provide payment facilities.

The theoretical classes are taught in Perú 858, San Telmo (C.A.B.A) Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, as we previously taught in classrooms in Palermo and Núñez.

Likewise, we offer the opportunity to instruct them in other places in Argentina or countries, and currently we already teach nineteen (19) courses in various provinces of Argentina, including two courses in Patagonia and other training and training courses taught and provided in the United States. , Mexico, Holland (Netherlands), Colombia and Ecuador.

We have the experience to dictate them in the national and international spheres, being that for the dictation of the same we have the ideal human resources and the necessary logistical support to previously manage a course that allows us to move to where they need to meet their requirements and expectations.

For those individuals, organizations, institutions, companies, international consultants, multinationals or others who need to hire our professional services in Argentina or abroad, it is required that once the procedures to teach a course have been made, we need to be with a minimum of three ( 3) days before in the place or near where a training will be given, since this will allow us to gather information and carry out a field survey before the start of an event.

San Telmo (Autonomous City of Buenos Aires)
Phone: (+54) 911 20953882
Cell (Whatsapp and Telegram) (+54) 911 35059141
Argentina –

CEO: Gabriel Esquivel – Director and General Coordinator

our courses

SURVIVAL for EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS with basic notions on First Aid, Orientation and Land Navigation

Course comprised by four levels. This training has been designed to provide you with skills on survival techniques that include notions on orientation and first aid to be applied in an emergency of getting lost in wild and hostile terrain like forests, jungles, islands, deserts, mountains and others.

ORIENTATION, LAND NAVIGATION and GPS with notions on Cartograpy

Course comprised by just one level. This training has been designed to provide you with skills on orientation and land navigation that allow you to design your own crossing in diverse wild and hostile terrains by using compasses, GPS satellite navigator, altimeter and topographic maps which you need to analyse and read it to precisely study the terrain and be able to apply orientation techniques.

MULTIADVENTURE (Skydiving, Survival, Orientation and First Aid)

Course comprised by just one level. This training has been designed to provide you joint skills comprised by a skydiving jump and survival, orientation and notions on first aid to be applied in an emergency of getting lost in an unexpected momento and place located in remote wild terrains.



gallery of images of our courses

Since Juanuary 2005 we began our profesional career at the national and international levels, which implies and innumerable quantity of images of our courses and students as well from Argentina, United States, Mexico, Neatherlands (ex Holland), Colombia, Ecuador and other countries of South America, Central America and Europe.

Therefore, we invite you to see more pictures by clicking on the button of each gallery.

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