Images and articles of some national and international television programmes as: Channel 13, Channel 2 America, Channel 11 TELEFE, Channel 7 TV Public, Channel 2 C.A.B.A. and the DISCOVERY CHANNEL International Network as well as reports published in the La Nacion, INFOBAE newspapers and in the TERRA website. Also, a report made by the University of Cinema of Buenos Aires, for a School of Integral Production of Television and Audiovisual Services as reports given to well-known radios. A special thanks to those who trusted in NORTHLATITUDE.
NAtIONAL television
Channel 13 – «ZOOM» television program with Andy Kusnetzoff, Freddy Villarreal and Daniel Tognetti – Skills on Tactical diving at the Megatlon gym of Nunez – Buenos Aires, Capital Federal.
Channel 13 – «ARGENTINOS POR SU NOMBRE» television program with Andy Kusnetzoff – Sills on survival in jungle in Escobar, Paraná de las Palmas, Buenos Aires province.
Channel 13 – «POLICIAS EN ACCION» television program – Gabriel Esquivel and some techniques on survival given in an eventual end of the world in the year 2012.
Channel 2 America «SIN CODIFICAR «television program with Diego Korol – Survival skills in woodland areas.
Channel 13 – «ARGENTINOS POR SU NOMBRE» television program with Andy Kusnetzoff – Gabriel Esquivel and some skills for urban survival in the western – Buenos Aires province.
Channel 2 America – «UN MUNDO PERFECTO» television program withRoberto Pettinato – Skills on survival for a media survival competition
Channel 2 of the City of Buenos Aires C.A.B.A. Expedicion Merino television program. Skills on survival with the journalist Wilmar Merino .
Interview at the Universidad del Cine on topics related to survival skills.
Panelist at TEA IMAGEN School of Integral Production of Television and Audiovisual services.
Channel 2 of the City of Buenos Aires (C.A.B.A) «Hoy Nos Toca A Las Diez» television program with the journalist Ignacio «Nacho» Guano.
Channel 7 TV Pública – «1000 Manos» television program.
Canal 7 TV Pública – «Todos Estamos Conectados» television program with Sergio Goycochea and Noe Antonelli.
INTERNAtIONAL television
«DISCOVERY CHANNEL International Network» – Desafío Mexico 2015 television program, where Gabriel Esquivel was a survival instructor on test held on ground and in water.
«DISCOVERY CHANNEL International Network» – «What On Earth» television program, where Gabriel esquivel was a survival instructor to cross right to the famous EYE located in the Delta, in the Buenos Aires province.
«DISCOVERY CHANNEL International Network» – A joint production held with Channel 11 TELEFE «Naturaleza Salvaje» with the actor Federico Amador, where Gabriel Esquivel taught some some survival skills to the actor who later one he carried it out on the ground.
«DISCOVERY CHANNEL International Network» – a joint production held with Channel 11 TELEFE «Naturaleza Extrema» where Gabriel Esquivel was advicer on some survival skills on jungle, mountain, desert and other wild terrains
«DISCOVERY CHANNEL» – NAKED AND AFRAID Discovery MAX Latin America (HBO American Television Network)