We are pleased to publish the Resolution belonging to the Academic Secretariat of the International School DRAGONES DEL GOLFO of Colombia of the year 2021, which states the certification and academic support to NORTHLATITUDE (C.A.C.E.N) National and International Argentine Center of Education and Training, of which Gabriel F. Esquivel is founder and Director, by virtue that our courses have international validity according to the endorsement and international support of the aforementioned Colombian school, of which NORTHLATITUDE is an International Delegation and has signed a strategic business exchange with it. Likewise, in 2024, NORTHLATITUDE and the international school DRAGONES DEL GOLFO signed an inter-institutional and commercial agreement to extend the academic training to students from Argentina and abroad.
Therefore, before signing these resolutions and agreements, the aforementioned Colombian international school had selected to Gabriel F. Esquivel from Argentina, to be the main instructor of the international survival course COLOMBIA SURVIVAL CHALLENGE (DESAFIO SURVIVAL COLOMBIA in Spanish language), which he taught on March 1, 2 and 3 of the year 2019 in the desert of La Tatacoa in Colombia, for being Director of NORTHLATITUDE, Survival Instructor and Technical Advisor of the international network DISCOVERY CHANNEL during five (5) periods in the years 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2024 (having been chosen by Discovery of Mexico, England and Argentina) and for being a Military (R) of the Argentine Air Force. At the end of that event carried out in the aforementioned desert, Gabriel completed two (2) trainings as a survival instructor in that country, as you can see below:
- International Survival Instructor (Level I – Basic) and Search and Tracing, having fulfilled an academic intensity of 159 theoretical-practical hours in jungle of Colombia, with international registration of instructor EIDG005AE of the year 2019.
- International Instructor of Survival Instructors, having fulfilled an academic intensity of 200 theoretical-practical hours, also carried out in jungle of Colombia, with international registration of instructor EIDG009AE of the year 2020.
- International Instructor and Trainer of Survival Instructors, validated in 2023.
By virtue of the foregoing, we are pleased to inform you that on February 11 of the year 2019, NORTHLATITUDE (C.A.C.E.N) National and International Argentine Center of Education and Training and the authorities of the DRAGONES DEL GOLFO International School, under NIT 900865308-1, hereby state that NORTHLATITUDE satisfactorily complied with the requirements to maintain a Business Alliance and Educational Representation with the aforementioned school, being that both maintain a commercial relationship to teach courses in Colombia, Argentina and other countries.
International Course Certifications
In the course certificates that each student receives at the end of each training, the logos of NORTHLATITUDE of Argentina, of the International School DRAGONES DEL GOLFO of Colombia and those of Gabriel Esquivel as Director and International Instructor of Survival are reflected. Besides, they are also signed by an international survival instructor from the Colombia International School and the international network DISCOVERY CHANNEL and by a First Aid instructor from the Argentine Red Cross.